Developing an innovative software platform to provide new services for critical events identification and management

In terms of developing and investing in innovation, Bulgaria is still in the category of "timid innovators". To move on to the "moderate" level, more companies need to start developing their own innovative products in order to open their doors to global markets. With this principle in mind, the overall goal of the current project is to stimulate the development and to increase the innovation capacity of DO IT WISE BULGARIA through the development and dissemination of a product innovation under the ICT and Informatics priority topic. In the current project, the presented innovative idea concerns the creation of a fully automated IT incident identification and management system - one which does not currently exist on the market. Utilizing the capabilities of "smart" algorithms and big data analysis, the company is developing a product that has the potential to completely change the operating process of the technology giants, significantly increasing the efficiency of their processes and the satisfaction of their customers. As a result, the project will meet the needs of three specific groups: - the need to expand the innovative capacities and expertise of DO IT WISE BULGARIA; - technology companies’ need for more efficient and advanced tools, and - customers’ need for better and faster resolution of IT problems. To achieve these goals, DO IT WISE BULGARIA will perform the following main activities under the field of experimental development: carry out research, tests, and measurements necessary for the development of the product innovation; create and test a prototype of the platform; purchase new equipment and specialized software necessary for the development of the innovative product. As a result of the implementation of this project, the company will reach a TRL 7 level of technical readiness of its product.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 01 Jun, 2020
Contract date 01 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 963,422.72
Grant 493,992.04
Self finance 469,430.68
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
