Techno Ltd is a small enterprise based in Sofia with a significant innovation capacity. Within this project, the applicant will form a team of highly qualified experts and researchers in the field of connected sensor networks, Big Data, Cloud and Grid technologies and information technologies in the field of self-learning computer programs and algorithms that will jointly explore, develop and test a pilot innovative product for measuring, forecasting and planning the audience and the efficiency of large digital video displays (billboards) to TRL 6 technological readiness level. It is planned to purchase materials, long-term tangible and intangible assets, as well as hire specialized equipment necessary for creating and testing the prototype. The project will be implemented in partnership with a scientific organization - University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia. By its very nature, the creation of the innovation is planned as an industrial research to acquire new knowledge and skills to develop a prototype of a new sensor product and intelligent software based on algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence and is a novelty on the National, European and Global market. Developing the prototype of the new product will include tests in a laboratory environment and in a relevant environment with simulated interfaces. The innovative solution is in the direction of Wireless Sensor Networks, Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies from the IS3 thematic area "ICT and Informatics", which makes it a priority for the SW-Region where the project site is located (Sofia). As a result of the implementation of this project, the following results will be achieved: 1. Conducted planned industrial research 2. Developed and tested Prototype of the product 3. Acquired tangible and intangible fixed assets necessary for the implementation 4. Successfully carried out project visualization activities
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 17 Sep, 2018 |
End date | 21 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 17 Sep, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 644,936.05 |
Grant | 475,936.49 |
Self finance | 168,999.56 |
Total paid | 452,590.44 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |