The project proposal aims at development to TRL7 of European-wide innovative product-software product offering users the unique opportunity to efficiently manage servers through complete automation of server configuration and management processes, named "NS 1 Server Manager". The innovative product will be developed by the applicant in partnership with a scientific organization - Higher School of Insurance and Finance. For the development of innovation, a team of specialists from the two organizations has been formed and both organizations unite their efforts, their resources to achieve the common goal, and to share both the results and the risks of the project. Research, testing, measurement activities needed to develop innovation and prototype creation and testing (beta version) will be carried out, with the project team's salary costs being among the project's core. An external outsourcing service is foreseen to develop the software visualization and develop user interface design. This project shall fund the depreciation of company-owned server systems and computers, which will be used in the development phase of the software. Part of the project costs will be used to provide materials to test the functionalities of the software product. With the provision of the financial resource described and the realization of these activities, innovative product will be created within the thematic area "Informatics and ICT" from the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (ISIS) 2014-2020 and in particular in priority "Web, "Native" applications, web-based applications for creating and operating new services". "NS 1 Server Manager", falls into the category "Hybrid Application".
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
End date | 02 Oct, 2020 |
Contract date | 01 Jun, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 845,905.95 |
Grant | 498,303.70 |
Self finance | 347,602.25 |
Total paid | 496,830.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |