Endectovet is a micro company for RandD activities in the field of biotechnology. This project concerns the creation of an innovative high production technology for obtaining menaquinon-7 - the natural Vitamin K2 form (MK-7), as well as menaquinon containing innovative formulations that will be used for fortification of food an food products. It is determined that vitamin K consists of two molecule groups - vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 which have different functions. Vitamin K1 has a direct effect on blood coagulation while Vitamin K2 is connected to the right absorbation of calcium by the organism. Imprortant benefits come out of this. Vitamin K2 is still not well-known but its positive impact on the human body is proven and acknowledged. The potential for development of the market for Vitamin K2 containing products is very big. Under this project will be developed a technlogy that allows a higher yields from the substance. The obtaining of the substance through fermentation allows the end formulation using it to be labeled as "natural". For reaching this goal three different scientific approaches will be used. After receiving a high enough yields we shall develop four formulations of end products in all forms in which the industrial producers and the markets are interested. The technology and the contents of the formulations will be protected by a patent for invention and utility models. The results of the project will be used either by providing license agreements for the technology and the formulations or by assigning the production to an industrial manufacturer to produce under our own brand after additional analysis and development It is envisaged after the end of the project the project to be sold both at the national and the international markets. As a result of this project implementation innovative products and technology obtained by RandD activities, reaching at least TRL6.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 16 Nov, 2018 |
End date | 16 Nov, 2020 |
Contract date | 16 Nov, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 259,300.00 |
Grant | 181,510.00 |
Self finance | 77,790.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |