DA TRANS is a company with extensive experience in the development and realization of a number of innovative products, working closely with various research organizations. The product which will be developed under this project requires the performance of industrial scientific tests for the implementation of a system measuring partial pressures and gas concentrations, i.e. a pulse ionization manometer with a focus on the energy sector and the transport and chemical sector.The activities which have been planned will lead to the development of an innovative product which is classified in priority direction Mechanical Engineering and Precision Engineering, including parts, components and systems, with focus on the transport and energy sector of the IS3 thematic area Mechatronics and CleanTech, and it corresponds to the goals of Priority Axis 1 Technological Development and Innovations for synchronization of the efforts in the development of the economy, scientific research and innovations.This innovative development refers to a product which can measure ion current at different frequencies in various gas mixtures.The measurements conducted at different frequencies are practically the partial pressures of the gas components in the mixture of gases.The current stage in the advancement of technology is familiar with devices measuring very low pressures–i.e. the ionization manometers (IM). IMs measure pressure indirectly by measuring the ion current transferred by positive ions generated by the partial ionization of gas molecules as a result of their collision with electrons.The superiority of this IM in comparison with other analogous products is the opportunity to select measurement per atomic weight defining the concentration of gas in the absence of data about its pressure.This innovative solution will be a very compact hand-held portable device offered at a competitive price.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 18 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 08 Jun, 2020 |
Contract date | 18 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 634,110.00 |
Grant | 479,030.50 |
Self finance | 155,079.50 |
Total paid | 472,807.50 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |