Design of an innovative container for separate collection of waste for outdoor use powered with green energy

The project proposal refers to the design of an innovative container for separate collection of waste for outdoor use powered with green energy for industrial, municipal, and processing purposes, with a focus on environmental protection; All systems installed in the container are powered by and operate with ecologically pure energy collected in built-in accumulator batteries through solar panels; Unlike other similar solutions already in existence, this innovative development not only has a structure made of fireproof polycarbonate, facilitating the collection of waste by the companies responsible for the transportation of waste to the landfills and treatment plants, but also has an installed sound system giving directions on which type of waste goes in which bin, and notifying when the bin is full through a built-in mechanism locking it against further use. The innovative container for separate collection of waste falls within the scope of priority direction Robotics and Automation of Processes, including 3-D Modelling of Robotic Automatic Systems from thematic area Mechatronics and CleanTech of IS3 and corresponds to the goals of Priority Axis 1 Technological Development and Innovations for synchronization of the efforts in the development of the economy, scientific research and innovations, and for a stronger relationship between science and businesses. The activities planned in the project proposal involve the performance of industrial scientific research for the design of an innovative container for separate collection of waste with the effective partnership of UCTM /University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy/ and with the help of researchers and specialised technical staff which will ensure the successful development of the product and enhancement of the cometitiveness of the ADVERTISING AND PUBLISHING AGENCY NUMBER 1 Ltd (APA 1);

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 05 May, 2020
Contract date 01 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 589,110.00
Grant 447,830.50
Self finance 141,279.50
Total paid 440,235.36
EU participation percent 85.0%
