Development of innovative product in the area of ICT and informatics

The subject of the project proposal is development of embedded software for innovative audio interface with additional digitalization for the creative industries (music industry and film industry). The innovation will be developed in cooperation with the Technical University of Sofia and by the end of the project it will reach level of technological readiness TRL6. The innovative product and the current project fall under the priority direction “ICT and Informatics” of ISSS, sub-direction "ICT Approaches in Mechanical Engineering, Medicine and Creative Industries (in relation to the other three thematic areas), incl. digitalization of cultural and historical heritage, entertainment and educational games, “embedded software”. Within the framework of the product development, an entirely new digital network communication protocol will be created, providing an uncompressed, multi-channel digital audio signal with low frequency shooting over a standard Ethernet network. It will also ensure compatibility with other digital network communication protocols. Through Ethernet technologies, the innovative product will be used in applications which require transmission of a large number of audio channels to relatively long distances or to many places. The main expenses for the project implementation and the innovation development are related to the recruitment of 15 qualified experts who will be responsible for the development, materials and consumables purchase as well as external consulting services related to the development of special drivers. The category of the project research falls under the "industrial research" mode and the level of technological readiness of the product at the end of the project will be TRL6.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 18 Jul, 2018
End date 22 Jun, 2020
Contract date 18 Jul, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,012,412.96
Grant 748,221.88
Self finance 264,191.08
Total paid 731,894.34
EU participation percent 85.0%
