Ypsilon - an innovation for automation and digitization.

The innovation under this project is a product (service) called Ypsilon that enables individual actors in the supply chain to communicate between the electronic data exchange platforms used by the various modes of transport (land, sea and air) as far as to information on the goods carried. The innovation is a novelty in the global market, and as a result of the development, a prototype will be created - a pilot version of the Ypsilon software that will be tested and demonstrated in the appropriate environment. Innovation falls within the thematic area "ICT and Informatics" of the Innovation Strategy for Smart specialization. The objectives of the project will be implemented through: - conducting research, testing, measurements needed to develop innovation; - Creating a prototype - a pilot version of the Ypsilon software; - acquisition of tangible and intangible assets necessary for the implementation of innovative development, as well as the appointment of a team of experienced specialists as a project team. The effect of the implementation of the project is expressed in the increased innovation capacity of the enterprise candidate and promotion of the development potential based on innovation and development.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 28 Dec, 2018
End date 08 Dec, 2020
Contract date 28 Dec, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 725,366.67
Grant 385,906.67
Self finance 339,460.00
Total paid 380,768.49
EU participation percent 85.0%
