Development of a methodology for calculating Biological wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), based on the technology with biomass carriers and development of a computer software for functional dimensioning of WWTP of this type, including optimization of the operation of existing wastewater treatmen plants. In order the software and the methodology to tested, the development of a prototype of WWTP, based on the biomass carriers, is necessary condition. In the frame of this project will be developed unique computer software for functional dimensioning of WWTP of this type In order to reach the most exact corelation between the methodology and the WWTP requirements, the prototype will be equiped with controler, software for operation and communication and the relevant research infrastructure for measurment of the parameters and capable to ensure the data recording in the software. To achieve the goals of the industrial scintific researches under this project and in order to achieve its successful realization the following activiries will take place: 1. Performance of reserches, testing, measurements, necessary for the development ot he product innovatoin. 2. Aquisition of tengible fixed assets, necessary for the development ot he product innovatoin. 3. Aquisition of specialized software (including development of software and licenses for the time frame of the project execution), being intengible fixed asset, necessary for the development of the product innovation. 4. Creation and testing of a prototype necessary for the development of the product innovation. 5. Project visualization. The development of the specific innovative product together and trough the the sttrategy of Operational Programme „Innovation and Competitiveness” 2014-2020 will contribute to the increase of the investments (public and private) in the research and development activities and innovatoins, especially within the wastewater treatment sector.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Dec, 2018 |
End date | 25 Sep, 2020 |
Contract date | 20 Dec, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 356,173.32 |
Grant | 274,168.49 |
Self finance | 82,004.83 |
Total paid | 124,330.64 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |