The mission of Ka En En Sofia OOD is to deliver valuable user solutions through development and introduction of new products for the Bulgarian and European market that are in support of preventive diagnostics of installations and that lead to the reduction of their costs (financial, material and work costs). One of the biggest challenges for the company and for the micro enterprises in Bulgaria as a whole is the lack of financing for improvement of their innovation activity. Micro enterprises don’t possess their own technologies and capacity for development of innovations that are significant for a certain economic sector or a group of sectors and at the same time they don’t have enough financing to contract the research necessary for the development process. These companies operate under the technology level and their growth is due mainly to improvement in productivity and is not linked to research activities, dissemination and generation of new knowledge. In order to answer these challenges and to be able to implement the process of development of a product innovation (service) – Learning WEB platform for analysing vibrations, the company applies with a project proposal under the current grant scheme that includes the following activities: 1. Conduct of research, testing, measuring, necessary for development of product innovation; 2. Creation and testing of prototype, connected to development of product innovation; 3. Project publicity. The implementation of those activities and of the project as a whole will lead to development of an innovation responding to TRL 6 “Technology demonstrated in relevant environment” which falls within thematic area “ICT and Informatics” of the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 11 May, 2018 |
End date | 22 Jan, 2020 |
Contract date | 11 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 698,700.00 |
Grant | 489,090.00 |
Self finance | 209,610.00 |
Total paid | 489,090.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |