Development through measurements, testing and prototype creation of the innovative system SmartAdLights by Neuron Technologies Ltd.

The innovation under this project is a product - the innovative SmartAdLights system for smart management and diagnostics of light commercials. The system consists of a number of smart meters that monitor the consumption of each unit or group of ads and store the data at a time. By means of communication devices, the data stored by the readers is sent to system servers where they are processed by data processing and management software. A prototype of the innovative SmartAdLights system, which will be tested and demonstrated in a relevant environment, will be the ultimate result of the development. Innovation falls within the thematic area "Mechatronics and Clean Technologies" from the Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization. The objectives of the project will be implemented through: - studies, tests, measurements needed to develop the innovation system, through hiring a team and hiring equipment, - Creation of a prototype of the innovative SmartAdLights system by creating and testing a pilot series of experimental models; - Acquisition of materials, tangible and intangible assets necessary for the implementation of innovative development. The ultimate effect of the implementation of the project is the increased innovation capacity of the applicant enterprise and increased development potential based on R and D activities.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 11 Oct, 2018
End date 02 Oct, 2020
Contract date 11 Oct, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 961,400.00
Grant 494,430.00
Self finance 466,970.00
Total paid 487,480.31
EU participation percent 85.0%
