Developing an innovative air purification system - product innovation in the field of "Healthy Living and Biotechnology Industry"

EMALL-BG Ltd. is a microenterprise in Sofia with a significant innovation capacity. Within this project, the applicant will form a team of highly qualified experts and researchers in the field of biotechnology, engineering and information technology, who will jointly develop and test a pilot innovative product for air purification through a combination of bio-systems. The team will develop the innovation to TRL 6 technological readiness level. It is planned to purchase materials, long-term assets and software, needed for the prototype development and testing. The project will be implemented in partnership with a scientific organization - Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski ". By its very nature, the creation of the innovation is the use of existing industrial research, knowledge and skills to experimentally develop a prototype of a new product combining three types of bio-systems and air purification technologies, and is a novelty on the national, European and global markets. The development of the prototype of the new product will include tests in a laboratory environment and in a relevant environment with simulated interfaces. The innovative solution is in the direction of "bio-technologies with direct application for a healthy lifestyle" and "green economy" from the thematic area "Industry for Healthy Life and Biotechnology" of ISIS, which makes it a priority for the Southeast and the Southwest regions where the project will be implemented (cities of Burgas and Sofia). As a result of the implementation of this project, the following outcomes will be achieved: 1. Three prototype versions of the product have been developed and tested 2. Acquired tangible and intangible fixed assets necessary for the implementation of the project 3. Successfully performed project visualization activities

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 24 Oct, 2018
End date 24 Jul, 2020
Contract date 24 Oct, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 702,965.54
Grant 421,476.51
Self finance 281,489.03
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
