Your Voice Now is a linguistic data analytics platform offering online media a novel approach for reader engagement and for instantaneous discovery of what matters to readers right now. Your Voice Now enables a virtuous cycle of deeper engagement through resonant conversations on topics of immediate reader interest: - Readers are given a VOICE: they express visceral reactions to names/entities in the context of the article they read (automatically extracted by the engine). Readers become part of the story, and can compare their reaction to that of others. - Media stay on the PULSE of their readership: they get real time, unfiltered, contextual sentiment analytics of what provokes reader reactions, what generates controversy, what is “hot” or “gaining momentum”. Thus, media can apply journalistic rigour to focused areas of immediate reader interest and deepen the conversation with content that resonates. As readers’ votes get aggregated across articles, media outlets, geographies (even languages), and over time, Your Voice Now will amass a unique structured fact base on how public opinion evolves - on all topics in the news. This database will be valuable to all consumers of sentiment data. Target groups are: - Online media readers - Online media - Marketing and opinion polling agencies - Image makers and reputation managers As a result of the project the proposed product innovation will reach TRL 6. The industrial research that will be carried out under the project will result the development of a prototype that will demonstrate technology in a relevant environment.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 20 Feb, 2020 |
Contract date | 30 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 214,950.00 |
Grant | 166,362.50 |
Self finance | 48,587.50 |
Total paid | 166,355.40 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |