In today's increasingly massive exchange of information electronically in every sphere of life and the economy, security of communication and information protection is of paramount importance. Information today is the most valuable resource, and security in its exchange determines the proper functioning of each user in the Internet. Together with the development of technologies, the opportunities for misuse of information in Internet hacking, industrial espionage, etc. are being developed. In this sense, our company will concentrate its efforts on the creation of an innovative encrypted e-mail service offering a high degree to protect their users from external malicious interference. Our innovation is aimed at enhancing the security of e-mail communication and the protection of the information received through it. Our innovative, encrypted e-mail will guarantee its users - small, medium, large companies and public institutions - the security of sending and receiving e-mail and protection from external malicious interference by third parties in the storage of the information received. The aim of the project proposal is to develop software for the implementation of innovative encrypted e-mail with a high level of protection and when sending and receiving e-mail as well as storing the received information.With the implementation of this project our customers will have the ability to communicate with each other via encrypted e-mail with a high level of protection when sending, receiving and storing the received information . The main activities under the current project will be research, testing, measurements necessary for the development of the innovative encrypted e-mail, purchase of tangible assets - 9 pcs. and DNA - 6 pcs. specialized software and visualization. The implementation of the current project will lead to a TRL scale - TLR 9 - a tested system in an operating environment.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 28 Dec, 2018 |
End date | 28 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 28 Dec, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 623,125.00 |
Grant | 436,187.50 |
Self finance | 186,937.50 |
Total paid | 160,067.41 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |