The project aims to stimulate NRG TECH’s further development by providing support for implementing the necessary industrial research to develop product eco-innovation to TRL 6 and enhancing innovation capacity with intellectual property rights protection. Under this project, research activities for a new own invention will be done. The innovation meets the requirements for a global innovation. NRG TECH has funded its own international filing PCT application № WO2017144238 Under the project, research will be essential to acquire knowledge and skills to develop product eco-innovation: 'VIRTUAL ELECTROMAGNETIC AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION GEARBOX (with no mechanical friction) for ELECTRICAL VEHICLES', Namely an intelligent Rotor Control Device, with specially developed built-in software for active electromagnetic field management located on the rotor. All activities will be implemented in priority for Sofia, South West region thematic ISIS area "ICT and Informatics". The developed innovation has the potential, as a result of the research, activities and services planned in the project, to demonstrate a new technology in the laboratory and in the relevant environment by 6 running under real-load, low-power (up to 15 kW) test samples of a rotor controller. Specific objectives: development of eco-innovation, private investments in innovation and increasing of competitiveness. Activities: Research, Purchase of specialized software, Enhancement of qualifications, rotor controller design and management software development, prototyping, simulation. Purchase of electric motors and test stand. Services for the protection of intellectual property for innovation. Results: Purchased Software License, Trained Employee; Developed management software; Purchased test stand and test electric motors; Patent applications filed and submitted; Demonstrated technology in a relevant environment
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jul, 2018 |
End date | 15 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 20 Jul, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 438,108.92 |
Grant | 306,676.24 |
Self finance | 131,432.68 |
Total paid | 297,045.75 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |