Improving the innovative capacity of Target International Consulting Ltd. by developing a product eco-innovation

Development of an innovative solution – Building an insulation system with bright-arched facade solar panels With the implementation of the project activities, the company will develop an innovative solution – Building an insulating system with bright-arched facade solar panels. Proposed innovation is company’s own development that has all the qualities to be defined as a world-class innovative system, outperforming the alternative solutions currently known. The company is in patentability procedure for the innovative solution, subject to the project proposal, and has filed a patent application for invention. The building insulating system guarantees energy-efficient thermal insulation as well as sound insulation throughout all seasons. Light-weight façade solar panels provide increased production of clean energy. According to the invention, the system of light-emitting fixed facade solar panels is integrated into the façade and has no moving parts, which guarantees the advantage of a long trouble-free operation. The intelligent system under development is an eco-innovation that will result in more sustainable use and more efficient green energy distribution that directly contributes to sustainable development through environmental protection, resource efficiency improvement and mitigation of climate change impacts.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 May, 2018
End date 08 Dec, 2020
Contract date 30 May, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 279,423.28
Grant 195,596.30
Self finance 83,826.98
Total paid 190,143.27
EU participation percent 85.0%
