The current project is aimed at developing an innovative process that will significantly automate and optimize the management of air cargo and shipments and will increase the level of air transport security. The innovative process will be carried out through specialized research and analysis of the current regulatory framework and unified processes in aviation logistics and the development of a software system for automated and electronic processing of shipments in the two main directions of Export and Import. The overall objective of the project is to increase competitiveness and innovation capacity of Aviation Services Bulgaria by developing process innovation with strong development potential and market application. The main objective of the project will be achieved through the following specific objectives: - To carry out studies in the field of digitization of ground handling processes for air cargo and shipments from the point of view of the regulatory framework and the applicable standards - Create an appropriate data model for import and export handling processes that is applicable in a software environment. - Develop and test a working prototype of a system in a relevant environment - Purchase specialized equipment needed to develop process innovation. The main activities of the project are related to conducting industrial research, prototype creation, testing and testing in laboratory and real environments. As a result, a new software-based load method will be introduced to deliver a number of positive results such as increased work efficiency and time reduction in cargo handling as well as increased security of processing and analysis the risk of goods being received in order to achieve higher safety and security standards.
Status | Terminated (termination date) |
Start date | 24 Oct, 2018 |
End date | 24 Oct, 2019 |
Contract date | 24 Oct, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 253,408.00 |
Grant | 190,642.40 |
Self finance | 62,765.60 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |