The project aims at developing an innovative Thruvision product in the priority area "Design and Production of High-tech Products and / or Participation in the Over-National Production Chain, Including Aerospace Industry" of the priority area "Mechatronics and Clean Technology" of ISIS . Product creation aims to solve basic problems in processing and interpreting images in the visible and infrared spectrum of light. As an innovative company with expertise in the field of optical devices, we have identified the need to create an innovative device that provides the ability to process and interpret an image in the full spectrum of light in combination with chemical substance detection. The activities that will go through the implementation are related to the different stages of industrial research, which will lead to the creation of new technology with wide application. First of all, the components that will form the hardware part of the device will be explored. The design and construction of the individual parts being carried out at each stage and the results of the tests and observations will be described carefully. The next activity will be the study of the software part, the programming of the individual modules, and then the software algorithms will be created and implemented. The activity will end with the development of a prototype that will be tested in a laboratory environment. To implement all the stages of innovation, it will be necessary to purchase equipment and software. The new technology will be patented. As a result of the project implementation, we will create an innovative product that will be used in many industries, will facilitate prevention, detection and problem solution. In addition, to our company will be given the opportunity for prospective business development and new markets.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 28 May, 2018 |
End date | 22 Oct, 2020 |
Contract date | 28 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 636,837.00 |
Grant | 485,171.39 |
Self finance | 151,665.61 |
Total paid | 476,440.46 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |