The necessity that will be met by completing the project is related to the development of a product containing probiotic bacteria that is characterized by increased content of biologically active peptides with health-beneficial potential. Industrial scientific research is envisaged to determine and prove the beneficial to humans effects of selected strains of lactic acid bacteria and the bio-active peptides they produce. The basic target groups fall within the “Industry for healthy life and biotechnologies” thematic field with priority areas: production of specialized food, biotechnologies for healthy way of living, production methods and providing the end-user with specific Bulgarian components. The main goals of the project are: - Development of a probiotic product with determined structure of its bioactive peptides with antihypertensive, immune-modulating and antimicrobial potential, possessing laboratory proven anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce elevated levels of cholesterol; - Proving the beneficial properties of the product by conducting clinical tests. The main results from completing the project are: • A new probiotic product is developed, possessing unique combination of health-beneficial properties – antihypertensive potential, immune-modulating peptides, activity against elevated cholesterol levels and inflammation; • The health-beneficial properties of the product are proved by conducting clinical tests. The main activities are within Element A and are linked to the “Industry for healthy life and biotechnologies” priority area: 1. Conducting research, tests, measurements, necessary to develop the product innovation; 2. Manufacturing and testing of prototypes, related to the development of the product innovation. The implementation of the project will lead to the development of product innovation corresponding to the 7th level of technological readiness on TRL-scale - a prototype demonstrated in an operating environment.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 May, 2018 |
End date | 11 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 31 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,030,000.00 |
Grant | 515,000.00 |
Self finance | 515,000.00 |
Total paid | 507,302.99 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |