Development of product innovation (service) for the design and order of individual / unique furniture and interior products, both independently and in a collaborative environment

Progamme Consulting Ltd offers innovative services and approaches to its clients and develops research and development. The aim ot the project - devlopment of an innovative service for designing and ordering the production of individual / unique furniture and interior products, both independently and in a collaborative environment., is continuation of the company's policiy. The innovation represents a new service in the field of architecture worldwide. It has the potential to accelerate the development of furniture with new designs by allowing and encouraging as many as possible interested users and manufacturers to get involved in this process. The idea is to use the creativity of multiple customers by providing them with a collaborative design environment in an intuitive and non-limiting way, delivering real results. The project will be implemented in partnership with the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy. In order to achieve the goal, the following activities are envisaged: 1. Carry out research, tests, measurements needed to develop the product innovation 2.Creating and testing a pilot line related to the development of the product innovation. 3. Project vizualization The activities fall entirely within the category of industrial research. For the their realization it is envisaged the candidate and its partner to hire 12 specialists in the sphere of parametric and interior design, design of furniture, software specialists, etc., as well as rent of 2 machines necessary for testing and measurements. The implementation of the project leads to the development of an innovative product (service) corresponding to the technological level TRL 6 - Technology, demonstrated in a relevant environment, meeting the definition of eco-innovation, and falling within the priority area of ​​the thematic area "New technologies in the creative and recreational industries" cultural and creative industries "by ISIS.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 01 Jun, 2018
End date 16 Oct, 2020
Contract date 01 Jun, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 543,622.84
Grant 423,408.26
Self finance 120,214.58
Total paid 398,395.86
EU participation percent 85.0%
