Effective partnership between ICOM Ltd. and the Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) to develop a prototype IoT platform for behavioral analysis of motor vehicle drivers and calculation of driver's risk profile based on real telematics data

ICOM Ltd. is the largest provider of telematics services and intelligent transport systems in Bulgaria. The company has a rich product portfolio and offers many solutions such as: Automated Urban Mobility Solutions (AVL, VMS, PTISPS, AFC, RTPI, etc.); Usage-based Insurance telematics solutions (UBI), for automotive insurance companies; automated emergency call systems for vehicles (eCall); GPS solutions for company fleets; GPS solutions for intelligent transport systems, etc. With a view to expanding the portfolio of products offered and in response to the targeted market niche, which has a great potential for development, ICOM Ltd., in partnership with IICT-BAS plans to develop a prototype of an IoT (Internet of Things) platform for analysis of the behavior of drivers and calculation of the driver's risk profile based on the processing of relevant real-time telematics data. In its information technology essence, the prototype of the innovative product developed under the project will be an IoT software platform that, based on the use of BigData technology tools and methods, will be able to process real-time data collected by millions of cars and provide a variety of analytical information to consumers, state bodies and various private and public organizations. Taking into account the nature of the product innovation (service) developed under the project, the project is entirely focused on ICT and IT by ISIS, with priority in Big Data, Grid and Cloud Technologies. The final result of the implementation of the project is planned to achieve a technological readiness level TRL 8 - a completed and certified system.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 16 Aug, 2018
End date 14 Jan, 2021
Contract date 16 Aug, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 603,333.33
Grant 462,287.91
Self finance 141,045.42
Total paid 424,859.89
EU participation percent 85.0%
