The project will develop an innovative product-specialized software for diagnosis and prophylaxis of patients with cognitive disorders, and in particular with multiple sclerosis (MS); It fits in the ISSS subject matter “ICT and informatics” and specifically in “ICT medical approaches”, a Southwest Region priority, where it is to be implemented. The overall objective is to assist the innovation activities of Rila Solutions and to support the developmenta and testing of an unique for Bulgarian and European market innovation. The specific objective is: Innovation development based on the most advanced and modern scientific approaches for diagnosis and rehabilitation therapy for socially significant neurological diseases through a cloud IT solution. Results from the planned Project activities: Activity 1: Researched, Updated and Expanded Methodology for Behavioral Changes in MS Study; Activity 2: Cloud Conversion Methodology of the Kogni Soft Platform; Activity 3: Developed and tested Kogni Soft software platform prototype, including functional and technical specifications and user documentation; Activity 4: Purchased and commissioned equipment: 2 pcs. servers and 7 pcs. Notebooks; Activity 5: Prepared documents for protection of innovation at the national and international level; Activity 6: Project visualization. The project includes a de minimis investment component and service component through the SME advisory and support services tool. Requested GBP 387 203.12 BGN. Duration: 24 m. The project contributes to the following indicators: development and testing of an innovative product that is unique for the Candidate and the market, providing private investment of 122 171.10 BGN, introduces eco innovation.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Dec, 2018 |
End date | 20 Dec, 2020 |
Contract date | 20 Dec, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 384,848.52 |
Grant | 263,854.72 |
Self finance | 120,993.80 |
Total paid | 206,742.30 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |