Development of product innovation in E.Mirolio EAD

The current project proposal is aimed at creating a basic scientific base and knowledge acquisition for the purpose of developing new or improved products and processes in the textile industry. The project falls within the priority area of ​​the thematic area "New Technologies in the Creative and Recreational Industries" as it envisages the development of an innovative product with direct application in these areas - costumes, specialized equipment and clothing. The project aims to conduct industrial research to develop, test and measure innovative products and reach a testing stage in a relevant environment (TRL 6) with the primary objective of creating new technological knowledge to be used in the development of new products that will be widely used in the sector. The product innovation is a significantly improved silk fiber in terms of its properties and uses, including significant improvements in its technical characteristics and the degree of convenience of its use. The project falls entirely within the framework of "Industrial research" and the main activities envisaged in its implementation are: 1. Performing the research, testing, measurements needed for the development of a production innovation 2. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets needed for the development of production innovation 3. Acquisition of specialized software representing a intangible fixed asset needed for the development of the product innovation 4. Protection of industrial property at national level and use of the necessary expert assistance The expected results of the project implementation are to increase E. Mirolio's competitiveness and to develop the innovation capacity of the company through direct cooperation with a research institution for the development of an innovative product.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 30 May, 2018
End date 04 Feb, 2021
Contract date 30 May, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 964,479.20
Grant 521,039.60
Self finance 443,439.60
Total paid 452,254.37
EU participation percent 85.0%
