Research for creation and research verification of innovative technology for automated production of steel elastic elements for use in railway construction

The project proposal relates to carrying out industrial research to create and verify under relevant conditions a new, innovative for Bulgaria technology for automated production of steel elastic elements. These elements represent a responsible component of the railway rails that mechanically fasten the rail to the sleeper. Through their specific mechanical characteristics and properties of the steel they are made of, they provide the technical and operational condition of the track and its safety in the transport function. In the company DENDRIT LTD-Sofia there are constructively designed steel elastic elements with the name and type "Clamp elastic" type CE-1 and "Clamp elastic" type CE-2. The subject of the project proposal is research for the creation and verification of innovative technology for automated production of the elastic elements CE-1 and CE-2 with application in the railway construction. The conceptual solution of the proposed technology for automated production of steel elastic elements will contain the following processing processes and operations: - making a workpiece by mechanical straightening and cutting, - heating the workpiece to a quench temperature by means of a high frequency electromagnetic field, - shaping at tempering temperature, rapid mechanical effects in three dimensional space, - immediately after molding, quenching by rapid cooling to a subsequent return temperature, - return to constant temperature and set time, - Cooling at a set speed to a safe working temperature. The thus-presented processing processes and operations arranged sequentially over time and implemented in an automated processing machine line, and the advantages derived, define the proposed technology as innovative.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 11 Oct, 2018
End date 09 Mar, 2021
Contract date 11 Oct, 2018
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 788,200.52
Grant 483,222.31
Self finance 304,978.21
Total paid 458,593.39
EU participation percent 85.0%
