The subject of the project proposal is industrial scientific research aiming to develop and implement in the regular operation of innovative technology for production of innovative product „Autonomous system for production of hydro-oxygen mix using alternative energy for the needs of industrial boiler farms“. Principle of operation: The autonomous system absorbs solar energy and transforms it into electricity through solar panels. The produced energy is then stored in a battery. The storage of electrical energy in a battery is necessary because of the dynamic consumption of electricity from the production plant of the hydro-oxygen mix and, because of need for electricity during the dark hours of the day. With the already produced electric power the farm is fed to produce a hydrogen-oxygen mixture by the pulse-electrolysis method. This method provides the dynamic production of a hydro-oxygen mixture, according to the needs and load of the burner, thus eliminating the need for gas separation and storage under high pressure. The produced hydro-oxygen mixture is added to the combustion process in the combustion chamber of the burner, the feed quantity being automatically adjusted according to the load of the burner, with the amount added being 10% of the primary. The desired change is producing and using energy based on hydrogen through alternative energy in order to solve problems related to fuel used for industrial purposes. Namely to drastically reduce fuel costs in existing boiler farms and to reduce exhaust emissions into the atmosphere. The solution will allow enterprises to produce their own clean and high-energy fuel at their place using alternative energy.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 May, 2018 |
End date | 11 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 30 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,609,189.17 |
Grant | 869,389.82 |
Self finance | 739,799.35 |
Total paid | 826,300.27 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |