The successful implementation of the project satisfies the need to increase the share of enterprises developing and distributing product and production innovations, as well as increasing their innovation capacity. The company is the representative of the target group of the procedure, as the implementation of the project is related to the development of production innovation in one of the thematic areas of ISSS - "Mechatronics and Clean Technologies". The main objective of the project proposal is to develop the innovative activity of “OSSAM“ JSC, related to the development of production innovation in one of the thematic areas of ISSS - "Mechatronics and Clean Technologies". Through the implementation of the project, the company implements its strategy for the creation of an innovative environment and infrastructure to develop its competitive advantages on the basis of research, by developing production innovation for the production of complex castings of high-strength cast iron with mechanical characteristics exceeding the approved in standard BDS EN 1563:2012, goes from the field of knowledge generation in the creation of high quality castings. The expected results from the implementation of the project contribute to increasing the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the company but also provide the opportunity for introduction of production innovation in the economy, resulting from the joint research of “OSSAM” JSC and Technical University-Gabrovo. The results will be achieved by: 1) Increasing the level of innovation activity and generating knowledge. 2) Creating conditions for the introduction of productive innovation. 3) Enhancement of research and research capacity through the provision of services for the optimization of innovative technologies. 4) Successful implementation of viable, economically sustainable and applicable manufacturing innovation. 5) Enforcement of eco-innovation. 6) Building an effective science-business partnership.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 31 May, 2018 |
End date | 04 Feb, 2021 |
Contract date | 31 May, 2018 |
Financial information
Total cost | 904,037.40 |
Grant | 588,931.83 |
Self finance | 315,105.57 |
Total paid | 582,937.78 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |