The subject of the project is the creation of innovative infrastructure in support of AUTOMOTIVE CLUSTER BULGARIA. The activities envisage the sharing of facilities, the exchange of knowledge and experience. The project aims at acquiring knowledge, building specific networks of interconnected resources and technology transfer. The project carries out the following main activities: - Strengthening the cluster's innovation and research potential and creating collaborations; - Development of innovation clusters (including the shared infrastructure and know-how); The expected results are: - Development, implementation and distribution of innovations - Strengthening and updating the innovation activity; - Digitization and robotization of industrial processes; - Automated and software-assisted management systems that can be applied in the production.
Status | In execution (starting date) |
Start date | 22 Jun, 2020 |
End date | 22 Jun, 2022 |
Contract date | 22 Jun, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,225,524.83 |
Grant | 1,496,841.14 |
Self finance | 728,683.69 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |