This project aims to provide incentive support for fostering innovative cooperation between the cluster` members through the establishment and joint usage of innovative technologies and assets, as well as the exchange and transfer of knowledge and know-how. The project enables the expansion of the research and innovation capacity of the cluster in the biotechnology field, and in particular the utilization of waste products, co-products and renewable raw materials into new types of products and energy sources, hencce developing bio-based economy. At the same time, the project contributes to strengthening the cooperation between the cluster and its research, innovation and academic organizations. It also provides access to innovative technologies and needed expertise , which will strengthen the innovation activities within the cluster. The project implementation will undoubtedly create an innovation environment for generating more innovative ideas and projects within the cluster members. The following activities are foreseen to achieve the set goals: 1) Resource support for the activities of the foreseen innovation and research staff 2) Increasing the capacity of the cluster and promoting better cluster marketing 3) Development of an Innovative Cluster Joint Infrastructure 4)Audit 5) Publicity and visualization Component 2 envisages the implementation of assets for the development of a field innovation infrastructure for anaerobic treatment of organic waste products based on dry fermentation, which will demonstrate an innovative approach for the production of clean energy, following the processes of the circular economy, and new products - organic fertilizer with better environmental impact than analytical chemical products. The implementation of the project activities will also create opportunities and conditions for new type of services and expand the service markets of the cluster and its members in target third countries.
Status | In execution (temporary suspended) |
Start date | 01 Jul, 2020 |
End date | 01 Jul, 2022 |
Contract date | 01 Jul, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 2,176,204.00 |
Grant | 1,454,013.20 |
Self finance | 722,190.80 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |