Development of product innovation „Smart village – Kamenar“ by VISION PLUS Ltd.

VISION PLUS Ltd. is a Bulgarian start-up company, implementing its main activity under NACE-2008 - 55.10 Hotels and similar accommodation. The project will develop an innovation applicable in the field of tourism, where its code is 63.11. Data processing, hosting and similar activities. The innovation developed under the project is a product innovation in accordance with the Oslo Manual. It is a single system combining 3 components: air quality monitoring system, smart, energy saving lighting system and real-time traffic monitoring system, the results of which are displayed on an Internet platform including a mobile version, and the development will be called Smart village – Kamenar. Based on the project's level of technological readiness for development, it will be TRL 9 - System tested in an operating environment. Project activities in accordance with the eligible activities under Element A of Procedure BG16RFOP002-1.028 include: - Carrying out applied research, testing and measurements related to the development of product innovation; - Creating and testing a prototype of Smart village – Kamenar; - Development of economic and financial evaluation of the product innovation developed; - Information and publicity activities. They are in line with the horizontal policies set out in Art. 7 and Art. 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1303/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The project will be implemented through the following resources: - Human resources – 3 qualified persons; - Tangible and intangible resources, incl.: 21 LTA and 1 LIA; - External services – 3, incl.: 1 economic and financial assessment of the innovation developed service, 1 work space rental service and 1 project visualization service. The project is in line with the ISSS's thematic area „Mechatronics and Clean Technologies“, as well as it is in line with the objectives of the Community-led strategy for local development of LIG-Pomorie.

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Status In execution (starting date)
Start date 11 May, 2022
End date 11 Nov, 2023
Contract date 11 May, 2022
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 271,744.93
Grant 244,570.43
Self finance 27,174.50
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), South-East (BG34), Burgas (BG341), Pomorie