Improving resource efficiency and production efficacy of Balkanstroy Invest Ltd.

The project is for introduction of new technologies for improving the resource efficiency and efficacy of production. It will be implemented through the purchase of a tracked excavator. This mechatronic machine has minimum idle time due to breakdown, minimal fuel consumption, minimal maintenance cost and will increase the quality and quantity of products and services offered, will improve efficacy of production of the plant and will strengthen market exposure of Balkanstroy Invest Ltd. Introducing this machine into exploitation will reduce the unit price of products, will improve the efficacy of production and resource efficiency in terms of fuel, consumables, cement, sand and felt. The project will be implemented through outsourcing , public procurement for selection of contractor for delivery. For the single activity in the project "Activity for introduction of new technologies for improving the resource efficiency and efficacy of production" a public procurement procedure will be announced - "Selection through a public invitation" in line with the terms and conditions of Ordinance of the Council of Ministers 118/20.05.2014. The project will have a duration of 18 months and its total cost will amount to 266 000 BGN.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 20 Jun, 2016
End date 31 Mar, 2017
Contract date 20 Jun, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 266,000.00
Grant 186,200.00
Self finance 79,800.00
Total paid 186,186.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
