The project proposal is aimed at receiving financial grant aid by Goldi-plast EOOD (small producer of PVC windows, doors and frames) for investments in fixed assets (delivery, assembly, installation, testing and commissioning of machinery) related to the capacity expansion of existing business site. The project aims at achieving the following two main objectives - Increase production capacity and Enhancement of export potential of the candidate. Target groups: The project is implemented in one business site - in Vidin (Northwestern Region, which is a priority), and besides, the project includes activities for introduction of new technologies for improvement of the resources effectiveness and efficiency in the production process (sustainability is a priority). The project proposal includes activities for improvement of production processes, activites for adding new features or for improvement of existing products or services and activities for introduction of new technologies for improvement of the resources effectiveness and efficiency in the production process. The expected results of the project are: improving the quality of existing products; increase the production capacity concerning the main group of products by approximately 15% as a result of capacity expansions in business site in Vidin; increase in sales revenue between 20% and 30%; increase the market share of local, regional and national level; start export and reaching 10% share of exports in revenue; reduce complaints to 0%; reducing production waste by 35-40%; reducing the amount of waste by 50%; in the medium term to achieve an internal rate of return of the project -15,43%; increase productivity with 22,36%; increase in the average revenue generated by exports with 26,33% and increase the efficiency of production costs by 18,05%.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 23 Dec, 2015 |
End date | 20 Sep, 2016 |
Contract date | 23 Dec, 2015 |
Financial information
Total cost | 150,400.00 |
Grant | 105,280.00 |
Self finance | 45,120.00 |
Total paid | 105,280.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |