Woodex Ltd. is a manufacturer of wooden pallets and crates. It occupies an area of 17 413 sq. m. as the built-up area is 3 613 sq.m. Because of the economic crisis in the last 4-5 years and the reduced consumption of wooden pallets and crates many of the small (craft) businesses reduced or discontinued their activity. All this gave Woodex Ltd. the opportunity to take great deal of the orders in the region and determined the need of new investments. Our wish to search for lasting stabilization of the company by starting production of new products, by increasing the efficiency and the export and therefore by guaranteeing new jobs, and to prove our company as leading manufacturer of pallets in North-East Bulgaria led us to the idea of the present project. The nature of the project is buying new machines and equipment ensuring the implementation of new products and technologies which shall increase the efficiency and the capacity and shall result in: a) Increase of the available capacities and of the productivity, and stabilization of the main production activity; b) Starting an innovative production – paneling/wainscoting and other products – shall ensure the access to new markets and customers for the company; c) Utilization of wood waste which shall be chipped or ground into small pieces /wood chips/ and shall be used as biofuel for the boiler operating with reference fuel – wood chips; d) Better organization of the employed workers and preservation of jobs, increasing of the incomes and therefore guaranteeing the economic stability of the company.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jun, 2016 |
End date | 13 Nov, 2017 |
Contract date | 20 Jun, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 635,350.00 |
Grant | 444,745.00 |
Self finance | 190,605.00 |
Total paid | 434,122.49 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |