Mramor Riolit B Plc was created i 1998. The company is operating in the field of extraction and production (cutting, shaping and manufacturing) of rock facing materials - marble, granite, limestone. The company has two production sites in Brazigovo and Plovid. The process includes: extraction, cutting the rock panels, cutting out the models, manufacturing - grinding, polishing, sand, shaping. among company's products are: facade panels for vertical and horizontal facades, stairs - cutting and polished; banisters, railings, paving stones, curbs, cutting and splitting, masonry stones, window plots sink and bathroom plots, fire-places, barbecues, fountains, architectural details for drip-stones and friezes. The proposal is focused on expanding the production activity through purchasing new technologies in addition to the existing ones. To survive the competitive pressure, and strengthen its market positions, the company should optimize and increase its capacity and efficiency during the stages of the production process. At the moment, the shaping is done manually, which slower down the operations, decreases the production efficiency and worsens the quality of the products. The new equipment for front shaping will add new products to the portfolio, will decrease the production costs and increase the quality. As a result, "Mramor Riolit B" Plc will improve its productivity and production capacity for the existing portfolio, will decrease the production costs and the price of the ready products and will optimize the use of extracted materials. Thus improvement in competitiveness will be achieved and the sustainable positions on market will be guaranteed, through expanding the customers on national and international markets.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 20 Jun, 2016 |
End date | 09 Feb, 2018 |
Contract date | 20 Jun, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 389,600.00 |
Grant | 272,720.00 |
Self finance | 116,880.00 |
Total paid | 272,720.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |