Improving production capacity in ET DARS-91-DIMITAR SABKOV

The current project proposal is aimed at purchasing and commissioning of 1 digital printing machine. The digital printing machine, which will be purchased under this project is designed mainly for short runs of labels average between 250 m2 and 300m2 thus increasing the capacity of the candidate for short printing runs and releasing additional capacity for long printing runs, as currently short printing runs are produced on the available offset printing machines, which are not suitable for such production due to the necessary resources and are effective mainly in medium and long printing runs. The new machine is high-tech, automated and extremely precise, which will inevitably lead to increased production capacity with more than 16%, increased average generated export revenues from the investment with more than 38% due to the availability for acceptance of new orders from foreign clients as well as increased production costs efficiency with more than 16% due to efficiency improvement.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 23 Dec, 2015
End date 15 Nov, 2016
Contract date 23 Dec, 2015
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,662,455.50
Grant 997,473.30
Self finance 664,982.20
Total paid 995,802.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
