Improving the Competitiveness of "HERIKS" LTD

The project’s implementation will satisfy the following needs of the applicant: 1. The need to increase the production capacity, which would enable the applicant to improve its market position. 2. The need to improve the resource efficiency of the company. For satisfying these needs, the following combination of activities is planned for implementation: 1. Activities for improvement of the production processes. 2. Activities of introduction of new technologies to improve the resource efficiency and effectiveness of the production process. As a result of the implementation of these activities “Heriks” OOD will achieve the following results: 1. Two production processes improved, ensured transportation of the details between the different production stages and total production capacity increased by 40%; 2. Improved market position: +40% earned revenue from production for the domestic market + 370% earned revenue from production for the foreign market (compared to 2014), including in the area of ISIS: mechatronics and clean technologies; 3. Improved resource efficiency and effectiveness in the production process through four energy efficient technologies and as a consequence: reduction of the energy consumption, the amount of the waste generated in the production, the harmful emissions emitted into the air and the cost of production. Detailed presentation of the results of the project is done in pt.7 and pt.11 of this form. The objectives of the project will be achieved: - Improved competitiveness of “Heriks” OOD through increased production capacity and enhancing the export potential of the company (general objective of the project) - Improved production processes and adopted new technologies to improve the resource efficiency and effectiveness in the production process (specific objectives), as well as it will achieved satisfaction in the target groups: beneficiary, the employees of the beneficiary company and clients: present and future.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Feb, 2016
End date 15 Dec, 2016
Contract date 09 Feb, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 657,621.00
Grant 460,334.70
Self finance 197,286.30
Total paid 453,901.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
