Improving the competitive power of company "Full Engineering" Ltd by increasing the production capacity and strengthening the export potential.

This project aims to meet the following needs of the applicant: 1. Increase of the production capacity and shortening the deadlines for production, which shall allow the applicant to expand and improve its market position. 2. Improving the resource efficiency and effectiveness in the production process. For this purpose, the project will implement activities: 1. Improvement of the production processes; 2. Introduction of new technologies to improve the resource efficiency and effectiveness in the production process. The implementation of the project will introduce modern technology, which shall improve the production process, create the necessary technological facilities to increase the production capacity needed for the planned expansion of the activities of the enterprise. By implementing the project activities the company will achieve the following results: Improved manufacturing process and increased production capacity for rotation (turning) details with bilateral processing by 110% Increased production capacity of the company by 40 %;; Improved resource efficiency and efficacy of 16.1159%; Improved market position: increased revenue from sales by 56,29% compared to 2014 and an export share of over 14% relative to revenues. The objectives set in the project will be achieved: - Specific objectives: to improve production processes and introduction of technology for improving resource efficiency and effectiveness in the production process. - General objective: improving the competitiveness of the company "Full Engineering" by increasing production capacity and enhancing the export capacity of the company. The target group is the beneficiary, the employees working in the beneficiary enterprise and customers, present and future.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Feb, 2016
End date 25 Sep, 2017
Contract date 09 Feb, 2016
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 525,000.00
Grant 367,500.00
Self finance 157,500.00
Total paid 366,996.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
