New products and improved production capacity in CPA Ltd

CPAChem Ltd was founded in 2001 in teh city of Stara Zagora. The Economic Activity Code according to the classification from 2008 is 20.13 production ofother inorganic chemical materials. The company is specialised in manufacturing of the following product lines: Inorganic certified Reference Materials; Organic Certified Reference Materials; Pharmacopoeia Products, Analytical Reagents and Standards. Yhe company roducts are used as reference materials for clasical and instrumental analysis. More than 5000 laboratories worldwide trust the company's products. Currently the company owns apparatus for the production, control and certification of the reference materials. The control of all the processes is fully automated by specialised CAM software. The software system controls the production process from the moment of purchase of raw materials to the sales of the finished product. The company products are manufactured under quality management system which has been introduced to the requirements of : (i) ISO 9001:2008, covering all of its operations; (ii) ISO 17025 ISO/IEC 17025 "General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories" addresses technical competency of the testing laboratory and specifically, a laboratory’s ability to produce precise and accurate test and calibration data; (iii) ISO Guide 34 "General Requirements for the Competence of Reference Materials Producers". 95% of the company products are for export. In order to improve the company's production capacity and export potential new spectrometer and gas hromatograph systems, vacuum dryer and vacuum damping system will be purcahsed. The investment will contribute to increase in production capacity of the company with more than 20% and share of export in the total sales over 90%. The project will increase the company's revenue from sales by an average of 8-9% annually and will contirbute to the creation of two new jobs. The productivity of the company will grow by 41%.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 09 Feb, 2016
End date 16 Feb, 2017
Contract date 09 Feb, 2016
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 989,541.01
Grant 692,678.71
Self finance 296,862.30
Total paid 291,965.10
EU participation percent 85.0%

