Increase of the competitiveness of Stone Computers AD through improvement of the production capacity

"Stone Computers" AD is a high-tech IT company established in 1995, with the main business of providing managed IT and cloud services, development and maintenance of software systems, system integration, maintenance and sale of IT hardware products. In connection with the planned expansion of capacity for the provision of IT services and the diversification of the portfolio of services, under the project the company plans to purchase and introduce into operation new high-tech IT equipment (server hardware, disk arrays and network equipment), as well as specialized software for system security. The new equipment will be physically installed in the cities of Plovdiv and Montana, as through appropriate communication links it will be added and integrated into the overall production capacity of the company. From production and technological perspective the commissioning of new equipment and software will lead to: an increase of the company's capacity to provide IT services; will improve the services' delivery process and will also diversify the range of services offered. In economic terms, the introduction of new equipment and software will contribute to: reducing the per unit cost of services; diversification of the product range and expanding the customer base of the company; will allow for a gradual increase in exports of services; will increase the revenue from sales and will increase the overall profitability. In ecological terms the new equipment will contribute to the efficient and economical use of materials, to reduction of the energy consumption per unit of service and will increase the overall effectiveness and resource efficiency, and will thus contribute to the environmental protection. With the implementation of the project the company will improve its overall activity in technological, financial, economic and environmental terms, which will ensure a sustainable increase of its competitiveness.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 03 Jan, 2018
End date 21 Mar, 2019
Contract date 03 Jan, 2018
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 1,668,200.00
Grant 999,919.09
Self finance 668,280.91
Total paid 999,919.08
EU participation percent 85.0%
