Company „TELEPOINT“ Ltd. Was established in 2007. The company is organized in several areas, the main of them is connected with built neutral colocation center equipped with high-tech systems designed to satisfy even the highest demands, in accordance with world standards in telecommunications. Fundamental offered by „TELEPOINT“ Ltd. Services can be grouped into the following main groups: 1) Colocation – the lease area positioning server cabinets and equipment in a special room; 2) Wiring (build routes for connectivity); 3) Interconnection: (Interconnect amp; Connectivity) and Peering amp; Internet Exchange. Due to their high quality offered by „TELEPOINT“ Ltd. Services are in high demand, both Bulgarian and international market. This puts the company‘s management with the need to increase capacity and further improving their products by expanding its business buying new high-tech equipment. Given the foregoing, so this project proposal provides for the purchase of tangible fixed assets, to be equipped exported colocation center, which the company plans to create in the framework of this project in the form of new business facility in Montana. In this respect, this project is a necessary step to achieve the objectives of the company, related to expanding the company’s activities, improving the quality of services and reduce cost of production. Investment in new equipment and creation of remote colocation center will improve resource efficiency and efficacy of the Company and its revenue from sales, as a condition for sustainable development of the company.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 30 Mar, 2016 |
End date | 30 Jun, 2017 |
Contract date | 30 Mar, 2016 |
Financial information
Total cost | 1,439,360.00 |
Grant | 863,616.00 |
Self finance | 575,744.00 |
Total paid | 777,224.83 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |