Sustainable development of "Blagoy Angelov – Kolorado" through implementation of software for business process improvement, control system for timber tracking and monitoring of production FSC - CoC and re-certification of ISO 14001:2015

Furniture Factory "Kolorado" was established in the 90s with 19 years of experience and an established name in the production of upholstered and modular furniture. In this project "Blagoy Angelov - Kolorado" will perform development activities and strengthen the management capacity through the preparation and implementation of the control system for timber tracking and monitoring of production FSC-CoC- Forest Stewardship Council of Custody, which will ensure and encourage economically viable management forest, observing social standards and rights of indigenous peoples, while protecting the environment. To identify risks and opportunities to ensure the achievement of objectives in terms of environmental protection, the company will re-certified with ISO 14001:2015. This will ensure commitment from senior management for the system management of the environment. The project contributes to the development and introduction of ICT-based software for managing business processes, which will improve the preparation time of production, the entire process of production the company will ensure full accountability, tracking the movement of waste will facilitate the work of departments event management, management of documentation will not improve the quality of production will be deployed CRM unified database that contains a wide range of data and information will be implemented and nowadays MES - system management workshop, which exercises control production resources and the overall process of production will implement industrial terminals to manage processes in the workshop and will give a clear result of labor input. For the operation of terminals and ICT-based software for managing business processes needed servers that support system intact and contribute to its functioning. Project Duration - 18 months. Total project cost 297 895,36 lv.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Mar, 2017
End date 21 Nov, 2018
Contract date 06 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 292,564.00
Grant 204,794.80
Self finance 87,769.20
Total paid 194,646.76
EU participation percent 85.0%
