Leading capacity development and strengthening the growth of 'Sweet Way' LTD

"Sweet way" Ltd. is registered in 1998 and its main activity is the production and sale of sweets. The head office and management address of the company is in Sofia, but the production base is in Parvomay, where the current project will be carried out. Currently "Sweet way" Ltd. produces deserts, rolls, sweets, biscuits, and other pastries and its economic activity code is 10.71 production of bread, goods of bread and fresh sweet goods. Major customers are retailers and large retail chains in the country and also abroad. In recent years, the demand for enterprise products has seen a steady growth, including overseas. In recent years demand for the company's products has has seen sustained growth, including abroad. We are also planning investments in renewing and expansion of our material base, for which the company has prepared its own funding. With the current and expected future expansion of production and demand in mind, the company needs to implement ISO 14000 and IFS - a standard specific for the food industry. The company needs additional equipment which will allow us to achieve and maintain adherence to the standards for the products. We also need to implement an ERP system to manage the processes in the company. For those investments we are applying with the current project proposal. If these investments are completed, we will be able to increase exports, maintain high quality of production, we will accelerate the overall growth of the company, and we will amass managerial capacity

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Mar, 2017
End date 19 Nov, 2018
Contract date 06 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 171,276.00
Grant 119,893.20
Self finance 51,382.80
Total paid 110,161.98
EU participation percent 85.0%
