The successful execution of this project proposal consists in the acquisition and implementation in "TSys" Ltd. of a resource management system (ERP), which will allow the organization to manage effectively and efficiently its resources, including material, financial and human resources in a way that clearly increase the overall organizational level and improve the competitiveness of the company.The implementation and certification of management system according to standard ISO 14001: 2015 and ISO 27001:2013 will ensure measures for environmental management and information security and improve the overall competitiveness of "TSys" EOOD. Potential target groups that seek company are mainly companies in need of IT services. Also, the company aims to partnerships and collaboration with other companies developing in these areas . As main activities of the project proposal are the introduction of system resource management (ERP), Advisory services for developing and implementing a system of environmental management according to international standard ISO 14001: 2015, System Information Security Management according to ISO 27001 : 2013, implementation of new equipment for the operation of the ERP system ,system management services through colocation server and storage system which will ensure the appropriate management of business processes and activities of the company and would secure positive outcomes for "Tsys" Ltd. The expected results are: -Increased productivity; -Improving the overall control processes; -Optimize the use of available resources and potential; -Improving the company's image nationally and globally based on objective evidence of high standards of governance; -Access to markets requiring certification to ISO 14001: 2015, especially in the international market; -Increasing the level of information security in the company according to ISO 27001 : 2013 ;
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 18 Dec, 2018 |
Contract date | 06 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 309,000.00 |
Grant | 216,300.00 |
Self finance | 92,700.00 |
Total paid | 209,353.64 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |