Growing IndigoVerge through intelligent management, optimized processes and intelligence systems

The proposed project envisages a series of activities to increase the management capacity of IndigoVerge as means of achieving improved growth, higher resource utilization and better export positions by hiring specialized expert services to reengineer our internal processes as well as by implementing supportive ICT products and services. The main objective of the project is to improve the management capacity of IndigoVerge by means of reorganization of two groups of processes: on the one hand, we will tackle processes relating to resource management and those relating to the organization of the service production operations; on the other hand we will focus on the processes of decision-making and the sales and delivery of products/services, including through intensified export. The project will thus involve external consultants to support the reengineering of the company processes and the fundamental reorganization (incl. introduction of organizational innovation) of all these processes, aiming to optimize key performance indicators, generated value-added and international market competitiveness. To ensure sustainability of the results as well as to both accelerate and to multiply the positive impact of the proposed management changes, relevant technology will be secured. The first group of processes will be improved by introducing an ERP system, whereas the second group will be supported by the use of a complex business intelligence system as a service (BI SaaS). The total envisaged budget is approx. 450 thd leva. Its main part is intended to acquire and implement the business process management solution and the SaaS management Intelligence system. .

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Mar, 2017
End date 13 Dec, 2018
Contract date 06 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 501,200.00
Grant 350,840.00
Self finance 150,360.00
Total paid 341,141.77
EU participation percent 85.0%
