The main activity of Euromebel Ltd. is the production of furniture for home and office. In the past two years, the company's management has identified a need for improved management and organizational capacity of the enterprise. This project proposal aims to develop the internal processes of Euromebel Ltd through: 1. Introduction and certification of quality system ISO 9001. 2. Development and implementation of an ERP System for Quality Management (ESQM). 3. Purchase and commissioning of an integrated production and organizational business software. By implementing the above mentioned activities the company hopes to improve its export advantages and presence on international markets, while achieving substantial progress in: - Sustainable development; - Organisational innovation activities; - Processes related to planning and decision-making; - Processes related organization of resources; - Processes related to the organization of the manufacturing process of the services provided; - Sales processes; - Processes related to internationalization of products; The expected results of the implementation of the project consist of improving the capacity of the company for a successful presence in intense competitive foreign markets through introduction and implementation of quality systems, ICT-based systems and software for organizational and business management.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 27 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 20 Feb, 2019 |
Contract date | 27 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 113,000.00 |
Grant | 79,100.00 |
Self finance | 33,900.00 |
Total paid | 76,580.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |