Improving the management capacity of Real systems Ltd.

The project aims to improve the management capacity of "Real Systems" Ltd., through process re engineering and intoduction of integrated ICT-based management system including ERP, CRM, BI features and improving the services quality by introducing BS ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2012 and re certification of QMS to ISO 9001: 2008 in compliance to version 2015. The increased workload during the last years requires a new approach in the organisation and management of the company and optimisation of the business processes in order to cope with new challenges coming with the rapid pace of growth. Taking the necessary steps to increase its competitiveness, the company plans to undertake a new approach by processes engineering, introducing innovative processes, consolidate data from their work and automate some of the work currently done manually in multiple systems and tools involving working of huge volumes of data. The project includes activities for process engineering, the acquisition and introduction of an integrated system for business processes management and customer relations, introduction of BS ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2012and re-certification of QMS ISO 9001 to the current version 2015 project, purchase of software applications necessary for the proper management system integration and activities for project visualisation.  The target group of the project includes all employees of the company and all external experts who work on the basis of long-term relationships. As a result of the project will greatly facilitate the implementation of all business processes and improve the efficiency and overall performance of the company. The project will contribute to competitive development of the company in several aspects - increasing productivity, improving quality, improving efficiency and optimisation of business processes, improve quality of services, increase income from operations and consequently the company's profits.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Mar, 2017
End date 30 Jan, 2019
Contract date 06 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 503,660.00
Grant 352,562.00
Self finance 151,098.00
Total paid 321,965.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
