This project proposal is aimed at developing the management capacity of EASYADS Ltd. by promoting the use of information and communication technologies and services. The project will be developed and implemented specifically for the company's software for resource management -ERP system to optimize and integrate existing business processes in the company. The main activities that the company plans to implement for the project related to the use of services to analyze specific activities and needs of EASYADS Ltd., development and deployment of fully customized business ERP system for management and organization of resources, services and business processes in EASYADS Ltd. The field of "Internet advertising" have the need to increase the available technical and production capacity of the proposed impressions (each time the advertising form) and within the project is expected to be bought 1 web server, 1 server database and 2 switches, which will contribute to the introduction of ICT-based software. With the purchase of equipment to the company emerges it need to be collocated in date-center to equip space, electricity and internet connection. For this purpose will be realized and activities for colocation services only for servers that will be acquired proekta.EASYADS Ltd. will implement all measures for information and publicity as prepare an information poster at the entrance of the administrative office of the company and put stickers on purchased equipment for the project. Information about the program and the project will be uploaded on the website of EASYADS -https: // The expected results of the project consist in improving the capacity of EASYADS Ltd. for a successful presence in foreign markets and increase the competitiveness of the company by promoting the use of ICT technologies and services for business management.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 30 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 06 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 480,215.00 |
Grant | 336,150.50 |
Self finance | 144,064.50 |
Total paid | 334,894.70 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |