Based on 2015 SWOT analysis held in VAN-COMPUTERS, there are serious weaknesses, threats and opportunities for the business, its development and sustainable market presence. This integrated project is a key milestone and essential tool to overcome these and to exploit the opportunities for development of Van through the implementation of actions to strengthen the management capacity and to achieve the growth, sustainability and internationalization of the company. For 18 months planned, the project involves the following activities: introduction and certification of QMS according to BDS EN ISO 9001, EMS according to BDS EN ISO 14001 and ISMS according to BDS ISO/IEC 27001; development and introduction of specialized ICT based software for business process management (BPM) in Van (PBPMS - Particular System for Business Process Management); and use of PBPMS in daily activities of Van like Software as a Service (SaaS). Following the above, these will be the project’s results: 3 acquired certificates for embedded management systems; developed, put into operation and ongoing maintenance of the software for BPM; contract for at least four years for SaaS and its active use; introducing 5 organizational innovation; and improvement of 6 processes for management and organization of the Van’s activities. The project impact on Van will be substantial and sustainable, based on the creation of conditions for the development and strengthening of management capacity, the optimization of resources, the increase of productivity and quality of services, the introduction of new models of organization and work, and consequently - the achievement of growth and competitiveness of the company for its internationalization. The project is in line with the EU horizontal policies for sustainable development and equality and non-discrimination and contributes to compliance with the horizontal principles.
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 06 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 29 Nov, 2018 |
Contract date | 06 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 272,765.00 |
Grant | 190,935.50 |
Self finance | 81,829.50 |
Total paid | 188,741.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |