"Improving the managment capacity of Dikmont Ltd."

The project proposal focuses on improving the management capacity of an enterprise specialized in production of bread and bakery products . The project provides for activities to promote the use of information and communication technologies and services through the development and implementation of ERP system and through the purchase of new equipment necessary it`s functioning. Through the project activities the following shall be achieved: 1. Improving the processes of management and organization in 6 directions; 2. Introduction of organizational innovations in the company; 3. Introduction and implementation of ICT-based system for management of resources, production and core business processes; 4. Implementation of measures for better waste management and reduction of environmental impact The project implementation shall provide for the following effects: 1. Improving the processes of planning and decision making; management of resources, production and services; distribution and internationalization of products; financial management. 2. Increased revenues and extended export potential 3. Increased productivity 4. Reduced negative impact on the environment. Project effects will lead to improved competitiveness of the company with increased attention to the environment, which determines the sustainable development of Dikmont Ltd.

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Mar, 2017
End date 22 Jan, 2019
Contract date 06 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 398,350.00
Grant 278,845.00
Self finance 119,505.00
Total paid 278,845.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
