Developing management capacity and growth in "EVRO-TRADE M" Ltd.

"EVRO-TRADE M" Ltd. is a manufacturer of self-adhesive labels and packaging, which are used in the wholesale and retail sector of the food industry, transport and logistics. Now invests continuously in improved models of governance and organization of the main processes in its operations in order to ensure the quality of services offered. The management of the company constantly strives to meet the trends in the industry and the dynamics of consumer demand and requirements. In view of this provides the realization of this project having the primary purpose of developing and strengthening management capacity and growth in "EVRO-TRADE M" Ltd.. The project will be implemented through the following eligible activities: 1. Activity introduction and certification of management system in compliance with international standard HACCP; 2. Activity implementation and certification of management system in compliance with international standard BS EN ISO 14001: 2015; 3. Work on the development and introduction of ICT based software for managing business processes in "EVRO-TRADE M" Ltd.; 4. Activity to carry out reengineering of processes in "EVRO-TRADE M" Ltd.; 5. Activities for investment in new equipment contributing to compliance with the standards set in the project and contributing to the reorganization of business processes as a result of activity in reengineering business processes; 6. Activity for visualization of the project. By focusing on procedure support will improve models of governance and organization of the main processes in the company's operations, management capacity and growth. The expected results will contribute to increasing export potential and competitiveness of the company on the national and European and world markets .The project fall within the priorities of this procedure related to the implementation of a system of environmental management and participating in procedures of the OP"Competitiveness and innovation".

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Status Closed (completion date)
Start date 06 Mar, 2017
End date 11 Jan, 2019
Contract date 06 Mar, 2017
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 293,462.78
Grant 205,423.95
Self finance 88,038.83
Total paid 200,145.05
EU participation percent 85.0%
