With the implementation of the project, the management capacity and growth of VEKATECH Ltd. will be developed and ensured by supporting specialised services and promoting the use of information and communication technologies. The project envisages investments in long-term intangible assets (ICT-based software for business process management), long-term tangible assets (contributing to the implementation of the ICT-based software for business process management) and services (implementation and certification of environment management system and re-certification of quality management system). The following effects for the enterprise are expected out of the project: 1. Improved processes of the enterprise, including the processes of: planning and decision making, organisation of resources, organisation of the production process, realisation of products and internationalisation of products 2. Improved management capacity of VEKATECH in the field of environment management and quality management 3. Introduction of organisational innovations 4. Increase of the average revenue generated by exports (as a result of the project investment) with more than 20% 5. Increase in net sales (relative to the total project cost) with more than 30% 6. Increase of the productivity of the enterprise as a result of project implementation with more than 12%
Status | Closed (completion date) |
Start date | 13 Mar, 2017 |
End date | 11 Jan, 2019 |
Contract date | 13 Mar, 2017 |
Financial information
Total cost | 335,315.00 |
Grant | 234,720.50 |
Self finance | 100,594.50 |
Total paid | 234,367.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |